Asset Storage

Are visuals and metadata on the blockchain?
  • Photos are on-chain

    The photos of each watch are stored on-chain by emitting events into the block headers. This ensures the integrity of the physical watches and their association with the token.

  • Photos are accessible publicly

    To retrieve the photos, users can query the smart contract directly. This ensures that the visuals are accessible to all users and not stored on a centralized server. A quick tutorial is provided here.

  • Metadata are on-chain

    The main informations for each watch are stored on-chain. This includes the brand, model, reference and year. Ensuring that these information are immutable and transparent.

  • A provenance proof is on-Chain

    All sensitive data has been hashed to not expose any personal information. This includes owner name, e-mail, serial number. The hash is stored on-chain to ensure the integrity of the data. Then any owner can prove the provenance of the watch by providing the original data.

Smart contract

Integrity and security of the smart contract
  • Data are not alterable or deletable

    The smart contract is immutable, meaning that the data stored on-chain cannot be altered or deleted by anyone. This ensures the integrity of the data and the provenance of the watches.

  • Traceable update of a watch

    For each update during the watch lifecycle, only Watch Certificate can emit an update on the smart-contract. This process doesn't erase past data. This ensures the traceability of the data and the provenance of the watches.

Our comments

Some information we want to add
  • A great tool to verify the authenticity of a watch

    We applaud the initiative of Watch Certificate to provide a tool to verify the authenticity of a watch. This is a great step towards the transparency and trust in the watch industry.

  • Clear documentation

    We note the clear and concise documentation provided by the Watch Certificate team, which has been instrumental in understanding the image proof verification : here.

100 /100
Gem score
Good practices
Medium risk
Critical risk
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