Gem score
Feb, 7th 2024
62 /100

Asset Storage

Are visuals and metadata on the blockchain?
  • Artworks are off-chain

    The visual representation for each punk is neither stored on-chain nor on a decentralized protocol. The contract does not store the artwork, relying instead on the image hash for verification.

  • Metadata are off-chain

    The attributes for each punk is neither stored on-chain nor on a decentralized protocol. It's impossible to verify the rarity of the punks on-chain.

  • A provenance proof is on-Chain

    The smart contract contains a provenance proof hash. This hash verifies the image file containing all the punks, linking on-chain elements to their off-chain representations : ac39af4793119ee46bbff351d8cb6b5f23da60222126add4268e261199a2921b

Smart contract

Integrity and security of the smart contract
  • Holder-token ID mapping stored in logs

    The mapping between the holder and their token ID is not stored within the smart contract. Since the smart contract adheres to the ERC-20 standard, it solely maintains on-chain holder balances.
    The mapping of IDs is recorded in the logs upon a transfer. Event logs enhance dApp interactions but are not essential for the core operations of the blockchain.

  • Market Rules are on-chain

    The contract embeds market functionality, including offers for sale, bids, and withdrawal of funds, directly within its logic, differing from typical NFT platforms where such features might be external or modular.

  • History Market is logged

    All the transactions are stored in logs of the blockchain. Event logs enhance dApp interactions but are not essential for the core operations of the blockchain.

  • Custom NFT Model

    Unlike standard ERC-721 NFTs, CryptoPunks utilize a unique model tailored for their specific use case, including custom methods for transferring and selling punks.

Initial drop fairness

Fairness and security of the mint mechanism
  • Centralized Airdrop

    The initial distribution of CryptoPunks was controlled by the contract owner, allowing for a centralized allocation of punks before transfer capabilities were enabled. This phase was critical for establishing initial ownership.

  • Transfer Restrictions

    Transfers of punks were not possible until the conclusion of the initial assignment phase, indicating a lock period where asset liquidity was intentionally restricted.

Our comments

Some information we want to add
  • One of the first NFT smart contract

    We applaud the CryptoPunks project for pioneering the very first model of an NFT-type smart contract. This project marked the beginning of significant technical evolutions in smart contract development.

  • Optimized smart contract for gas fees

    We also applaud the initiative for the on-chain storage of provenance proof within the smart contract, as well as the ingenuity of storing the mappings of IDs with holders in the logs to maintain a lightweight smart contract.

  • Clear documentation

    We note the clear and concise documentation provided by the CryptoPunks team, which has been instrumental in understanding the image proof verification : here.

62 /100
Gem score
Good practices
Medium risk
Critical risk

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